She’s in polyester, and she’s packin’.
June 27, 2006 – 10:17 amAfter last week’s jeans with built-in gun holsters post, I ended up poking around for more stealth firearm fashion websites. A friend pointed me to Washington state resident Kathy Jackson, a mom and former “Women and Guns” contributing editor whose extensive personal website promotes personal firearm safety — and everyday outfits designed to conceal lethal weapons. From her “Dressy Clothes” page:
The outfit: brown crinkly skirt, velveteen blouse
The gun is a Glock 26 in a belly band. The gun is located at the midline, just underneath my cleavage. I’m wearing a tube top underneath the band to protect my skin from the itchies.
Comments: I wore this outfit to church this morning. I positioned the gun high and centered so that it would be particularly easy to sit down for long periods of time. If I’d been going to a social gathering, I’d have moved the belly band so the gun would ride nearer my waist.
If you’re not the churchgoing type or don’t like dressy clothes, check out Ms. Jackson’s “Casual Clothes” and “Office Clothes” HOWTOs. “With a little courage and creativity,” she explains, “It is quite possible to conceal a firearm underneath most business clothing.” Good to know next time you’re feeling cranky in your corporate-issue veal-cube. This site offers an interesting set of tips on “gun concealment for women”: Link.
What’s that? You prefer vegan glow-in-the dark ravewear gun holsters? Okay.
Here’s a slinkier fetishwear holster (as if they all weren’t fetishwear anyway) for carrying up to six handguns at a time GAH! I mean “your six-gun,” meaning ONE handgun with blast-tastic kablamability: Link, marginally work-safe. (Thanks, Violet Blue!)
And Thunderwear offers other varieties of, ah, conceal-carry thongs, like the model shown above: Link (Thanks, Aaron)
In related news, a German inventor has filed a patent application for password-protected ammunition:
[Hebert] Meyerle is patenting a design for a modified cartridge that would be fired by a burst of high-frequency radio energy. But the energy would only ignite the charge if a solid-state switch within the cartridge had been activated. This would only happen if a password entered into the gun using a tiny keypad matched one stored in the cartridge.
When they are sold, cartridges could be programmed with a password that matches the purchaser’s gun. An owner could set the gun to request the password when it is reloaded, or to perform a biometric check before firing. The gun could also automatically lock itself after a pre-set period of time has passed since the password was entered.
Link to New Scientist article.
Reader comment: John Pittman says,
Six-gun is Hollywood oater talk for a revolver – usually w/ six chambers for rounds (even more detail than you want – the cowboy left the hammer down on an empty chamber for, yes, safeties sake and that cylinder had rolled up paper money in it to pay the undertaker in the event of…). Looks like that rig would carry 2 guns less than comfortably – the bright side – high distraction factor when it’s quick-draw time. For some nice not-concealed stuff see El Paso’s web site: Link.
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