SRL in San Jose Aug. 11, and 1978 photo of first SRL machine

July 10, 2006 – 8:28 am

Survival Research Laboratories will herd their sputtering flock of lethal robots to a tech-art festival in San Jose on August 11. When first posted on BoingBoing, the host organization’s ticket website wasn’t working as well as the SRL machines do, so some folks got error messages. All’s well now. Here’s where you buy tickets (gas masks and earplugs sold separately), and here are show details with a growing photoblog.

Crewmember Violet Blue was poring through old photos in the SRL labs yesterday, and found some amazing stuff.

“[But] what really captivated me was finding the above image of the first SRL machine ever made for [SRL founder] Mark [Pauline]‘s first show, Machine Sex,” she says, “And guess what? We have the machine, and it still works.”

The photo is dated 1978, and you can see some neat old flyers in the background if you click on the large size jpeg. Link to more photos and punk-era robo-ephemera. Link to August 11 show home page at (Thanks, Karen!)

Reader comment: Sean Savage says,

Readers might get a kick out of knowing what that first SRL machine did: it pureed dead pigeons dressed up as Arab oil magnates, then flung the resulting gore onto the audience..

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