Microwaved penis in Pittsburgh turns out to be sex toy Whizzinator

February 24, 2006 – 1:54 pm

The severed penis a gas station clerk spotted in a microwave turned out to be a pee-filled sex toy gadget for drug test evasion.

A couple entered the GetGo station in the 200 block of Fifth Avenue about 5:10 p.m., and the man asked a female store clerk to heat in the microwave an object wrapped in a paper towel.

Police Chief Joseph Pero said the clerk complied but noticed a strange odor. When she handed the object back to the man, it became unwrapped and she saw what resembled a penis. The couple left the store separately, and the clerk called 911.

Chief Pero said the woman who was in the store contacted police this morning and said the object was a sex toy filled with urine. Chief Pero said she explained it needed to be heated to body temperature for use in an employment drug screen she needed to take.

Link to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette story. (thanks, Patrick Hillman)

Reader comment: The lovely and knowledgeable Violet Blue corrects press coverage of the incident, and schools Boing Boing:

What’s happened here is that they’ve confused the Whizzinator (or maybe Urinator) with a sex toy (ew), and one quick look at the site lets you know that these are not sex toys, but gadgets specifically maufactured for pasisng drug tests — they even come in a variety of “flesh” tones (that is, if you’re Barbie).

Link. There’s also the Ejaculator, but it’s not made to hold enough liquid for a urine test: Link.

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